I always knew Angelenos loved golf, but never did I know they loved golf this much.
Did you know there are 50 or so Par 3 and Executive Golf Courses within a 30 mile radius of Downtown?
Amazing I tell you.
That is heavy.
Seems like LA is the right spot to start a new culture and community around Golf and Par 3's in particular.
Last night I staked out all of the golf course and started adding them all up and
I couldn't believe it.
Now LA is nowhere as populated with golf courses as Palm Springs,
but LA have more Par 3's than any city in The United States.
From Long Beach and the 110 to Glen Dale and the 134, out the 10 to Monterrey Park, and down the 710 through Compton, folks, LA is the home of Par 3 Executive Courses.
That's right, there is even an awesome par 3 golf course in Compton.
It's right off the 710, south of East Compton Road.
What a great little spot for the Boys and Girls to play.
Thing is, its rarely busy.
It's an amazing thing to see the hundreds of golf courses scattered throughout the LA area.
Unfortunately, with so many courses are under used and barely hanging in there.
Today, Sloan and I went on an afternoon adventure and visited about four courses around town. It was a fantastic trip. We got to see the city from many different perspectives and realized how under used the Par 3 Courses and driving ranges are, not only in this city, but across the country.
PAR ३'s ARE THE ANSWER to so many of golf's problems.
Check out what William Amick says about PAR ३'s here:
If people only knew THE POWER of THE PAR ३'s and what it could do for The International Golf Scene।
I was on the phone today with my friend Matt Roberts.
It was Wild।
He gave me some really interesting information I was happy to hear.
I guess we will JUST have to see what goes on.
Please dont forget to Tee it Up and turn up the Music!!
Word to all the Playas.
Thank you.
You might want to check out the new future Hybrid golf ball at:
Developed to improve & enhance golfer's "full-par regulation play" on the compact golf course.
Since your apiphany of executive/par-3 courses in the South Cal area...now try the ultimate experience on the compact course, mack daddy... try the New Hybrid golf ball...adds length to the play, but not to the course.
Power to all the hybrid playas & Forty Deel.
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