Now I know why the best rest in LA.
Its the coolest spot in America, aside from NYC.
Sure, SF is great and Chicago is too, but LA is wild!
The talks continue.
Each and every day something tremendous happens.
I know we are close as people begin hovering.
Lawyers are calling and want me to take action.
They want me to work with them and are now offering me things to become involved.
This is what I was hoping for.
No one has offered me a car yet, but several are putting money on the table.
But I am not jumping at anything yet.
Mercury is in retrograde and I wont make a decision until the middle of June.
By then, the dust will have settled and things will be clear.
We've been in LA for little over three weeks now and its been a wild ride.
Sloan and I have not been out much, but last night we decided to go out and see some friends.
We started our night off in Venice meeting up with our friend, vocalist Heather Lauren, www.heatherlauren.com. We know Heather from Sausalito. She moved down to LA not to long ago and has been tearin' it up down here. She just sang a commercial for McDonald's and got a nice pay check for her work. If you have a chance to go listen to Heather, you will enjoy yourself.
We were tired and decided to go home after our time with Heather.
She wasn't actually singing, just hanging out.
Evil E was calling me, but I told him we were going home.
He still came down to Venice and was looking for us with his girlfriend, Sonja.
We checked out the spot he suggested but we were tired and headed home.
Then I felt bad and turned around.
We met up with Evil and Sonja at an awesome, low key, but extremely packed Reggae bar on Venice and Robertson. It was very cool because the lighting was all red.
Sloan and Sonja talked for a while and really enjoyed themselves.
Sonja is a yoga teacher and Sloan told her that she would help her with any new projects or initiatives she was trying to get started.
After hanging with Evil, Sloan and I headed home.
I had to get up early to meet with Danny Wu downtown at The Pantry.
It was a good breakfast where I learned that Rhaki Patel from Grinnell is now working at Skadden with Danny as part of the Summer Associate Program.
I gave Rhaki big kudos.
It was amazing to hear this.
I couldn't believe it.
I then headed up to Sherman Oaks where I waited until 11 am and my meeting with Lance Robbins. I waited in the car and made phone calls.
I called up Overbrook Entertainment. That's right, Will Smith's entertainment company.
I asked to speak with Mr. Mack, his assistant.
They said he would call me back.
I will be waiting, hoping to hear from The Mack.
After this call I talked to my old friend and Mentor, Steve Langerud who gave me the low down on a couple situations.
I told him what was up and he said he would be flying out to LA in the next month or so.
I will see him then.
I then headed over to Lance's office.
It was a tall building in downtown Sherman Oaks.
Sherman Oaks was a very cool area.
I love all the different cities around LA.
There are so many of them and they are all so unique.
I parked on the street for 50 cents instead of paying four or five bucks in the parking lot and was feeling good.
I especially felt good about paying 50 cents when his assistant told me he was not in the office because his son was sick.
We wouldn't be meeting and at first I got pissed.
Then I was like, I have a lot of work to do and need to better prepare for this meeting.
I was a bit bummed out and wondered if this meeting with Lance Robbins, www.lancehrobbins.com, would actually happen.
Since the whole thing with Timothy Hamilton had happened, I wondered what would become of my other great lead. Thing is, Tim and I talked indepth about the project the day before.
I followed up our conversation with an NDA and he then had a bit of a problem signing it.
Instead of handling it professionally, he went on to tell me how most producers would laugh at me.
He went on to tell me that I would be black listed for such a request.
Ok Tim.
So I went home to Sloan and we enjoyed our afternoon.
We prepared for the following day, just as we do every day.
Being prepared is half the battle.
We've got this down and I am ready to get busy.
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