I woke up early and was excited to start a new week full of decisive meetings.
This week, I should know a whole lot more than last.
Each week and every day I keep getting closer and closer to my desired outcome.
When Sloan and I went for a walk in Griffith Park yesterday, I was talking about how LA is the right place for us because people care about the arts and culture.
People in LA support artists, big dreams, and ideas.
I told Sloan people in LA have money to support great projects and talented artists.
Then, I looked down and found a dollar bill with a receipt inside that said, "Where Kids are King."
I will never forget it.
At that point, I knew everything would be great.
This morning I woke up at 7 with six scheduled meetings.
The one I thought could be most significant was with DT over at the Universal/NBC Studios.
The phone call I got from him was very interesting.
He said he was someone I should know.
HE was a former Evans Scholar from University of Michigan.
I respect this big time, but the vibe wasn't there.
I think he was trying to be as nice as he could be, and it wasnt that he wasnt nice, it was that he was talking about how he understood the project and could help make it successful, but wanted to get paid.
I am always weary of people like that.
Really, I wish I wouldn't have met him.
He kinda spoiled my day.
I was sorta pissed off after I met him.
I cant stand people who think their shit dont stink.
This guy, was dissapointing to say the least.
So I got out of there and the rest of the day was much better.
Went home and worked until very early the next morning.
Waiting to capitilize on all of these meetings I have been having.
I am certain its coming soon.
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