Gold price by




Paris, France




Doha, Qatar


Tokyo, Japan






Hong Kong




Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates


Shanghai, China


Pasadena, California




Moscow, RUSSIA


Beijing, China


London, United Kingdom


Dubai, United Arab Emirates




INTERGALACTIC GOLF = Greatest Golf Competition & Party ....Ever!

We activate an extraordinary experience in order to raise substantial funds for our charity partners around the world.

INTERGALACTIC GOLF is in the form of a traveling golf and entertainment experience.

We are a Carbon Neutral, Green Technology Driven Professional Golf and Entertainment Tour featuring the greatest professional men and women golfers from all major tours around the world, plus celebrities, artists, world leaders, and world qualifying juniors/adult amateurs.

INTERGALACTIC GOLF events are located in mesmerizing locations around the world and providing optimal live, mobile, or at home experience.


$10 Million has been set aside for Par 3 Tournaments under the lights.

A mandatory percentage of all Pro's Winnings will go to a charity of their choice. Events, Tournaments, and Festivities will take place for several weeks in each city leading up to the actual INTERGALACTIC GOLF WEEK.

INTERGALACTIC GOLF is dedicated to inspiring all people around the world by focusing on the fresh, fun, and cool side of life and golf. INTERGALACTIC GOLF is creating a world in which every young person is prepared to succeed, actively pursuing their dreams.

INTERGALACTIC teaches vital life skills needed for success through golf and arts programming found at our "INTERGALACTIC" branded facilities around the world.

INTERGALACTIC GOLF is simply a Utopia traveling around the world and
most often found in college and university towns or sports & entertainment capitals around the world such as: Los Angeles, San Francisco, Seattle, Honolulu, Las Vegas, Dallas, Houston, Denver, Kansas City, Nashville, Louisville, Memphis, Atlanta, New Orleans, Orlando, Myrtle Beach, London, Berlin, Barcelona, Moscow, Budapest, Istanbul, Tel Aviv, Kuwait City, Doha, Abu Dhabi, Dubai, Mumbai, Bangalore, Tokyo, Hong Kong, Shanghai, Seoul, Kuala Lumpur, Jakarta, Karachi, Singapore, Cape Town, Sydney, Melbourne, and many other locations.




1) INTERGALACTIC GOLF is in the form of a 7 Star Golf, Entertainment, and Empowerment Tour & League featuring the greatest DJ's, musicians, professional men and women golfers from all major world tours, the greatest celebrity and professional athlete golfers, the best youth golfers, and other VIP's and World Leaders who love golf and want to empower humanity by promoting golf in the greatest of ways. WE come together, united as INTERGALACTIC, to promote golf as a social and economic mobility tool, rather than using golf as a social and economic control mechanism as it has been for so many years.

2) INTERGALACTIC GOLF is among other things a massive global charity fund raising platform capable of raising tens of billions per year for 1,000 global charities dedicated to empowering and inspiring humanity, educating youth, teaching golf-arts-science, and much more.

3) INTERGALACTIC GOLF is a highly innovative television and live event marketing, advertising, and pr platform rooted in long term global grassroots development. Imagine a global golf tour promoting and supporting the greatest golf and entertainment talent in the world that travels to the most beautiful golf resorts in the world and features the greatest DJ's, Bands, Break Dancing Competitions, Go Go Dancers, Super Sport Car Shows, Fashion Shows, and more. INTERGALACTIC GOLF is this and much, much more.

4)INTERGALACTIC GOLF will connect with the emotional, social, physical, and psychological touchpoints of humanity, thus activating increased sales and Return On Investment for those cities, countries, sponsors, and investors, who fund our platform.

5) INTERGALACTIC GOLF is a very expansive vision layed out for THE FUTURE of GOLF, ENTERTAINMENT, and THE WORLD over the next 10 years.

6) Supporting INTERGALACTIC GOLF is a brilliant idea for any brand manager or equity firm with diversified investments looking for ways in which to market their artist, product, or service.



Saturday, May 31, 2008


Holly Cow its been a whirlwind ride the past couple days.
Sorry I haven't written for a while.
Is anyone out there waiting in anticipation for my updates?
I wonder if the Phenomena has started yet....I guess it is a gradual process.

BUT FIRST, you Must Check it out....

I have been on the road between LA and NYC with a short trip to London to see some financiers....It has been awesome!

I am so glad to be at home resting on Saturday and Sunday.
Sloan took off for a couple weeks and this will give me even more time to sit in front of the computer and work....

The number of meetings taking place are fantastic.
Thigns are moving forward.
I have had some pretty heavy meetings the past couple weeks starting last the day I got here.

But most recently, I met with USC's Niti Shaw and didn't slow down all week.

Some serious action taking place on the front.

I was in Europe over the early part of the weekend meeting with some folks from The Middle East. It was fantastic. I couldn't believe what was going down.

Todd Rader Man was in the mix and he hooked me up with his bro Kilay who I still havent talked to. I havent heard from him and I'm not waiting any longer.

Jay Malla is The Man and I met with him over at The Hilton on Avenue of The Stars.
The MGM Tower was staring at me as I guzzled down some Red Bulls.
Jay is a Rock Star and I feel blessed to have met him.
What a cool cat. I think I could have a great time with him in the future.
He said the venture was huge and gave me some great stuff to think about.

Meredith Angel is an angel and eventually I will meet her husband, the environmental lawyer, Frank Angel.

Richard Willis, the imminent producer and Legend and I got together for Drinks with Laurie Kirby over at The Palazzo...What a Spot.

There were more gorgeous girls laying around than I have ever seen in my life excpet for....OK ,well that isnt true...there were a lot of beautiful girls and its a spot I would suggest visiting if you ever get a chance.

It is fascinating to watch how people fade away or disappear.
Only those who can truly give you what you need stick around.

My horoscope says to wait and be patient until the end of June when my decisions will roll out in front of me and no longer will it be difficult to see the road ahead of me.

Being patient is so key and I continue to do so knowing we are almost there.

Monday, May 26, 2008

May 26th, 2008-CITY of PAR 3's

I always knew Angelenos loved golf, but never did I know they loved golf this much.

Did you know there are 50 or so Par 3 and Executive Golf Courses within a 30 mile radius of Downtown?

Amazing I tell you.

That is heavy.

Seems like LA is the right spot to start a new culture and community around Golf and Par 3's in particular.

Last night I staked out all of the golf course and started adding them all up and
I couldn't believe it.

Now LA is nowhere as populated with golf courses as Palm Springs,
but LA have more Par 3's than any city in The United States.

From Long Beach and the 110 to Glen Dale and the 134, out the 10 to Monterrey Park, and down the 710 through Compton, folks, LA is the home of Par 3 Executive Courses.

That's right, there is even an awesome par 3 golf course in Compton.
It's right off the 710, south of East Compton Road.
What a great little spot for the Boys and Girls to play.

Thing is, its rarely busy.

It's an amazing thing to see the hundreds of golf courses scattered throughout the LA area.
Unfortunately, with so many courses are under used and barely hanging in there.

Today, Sloan and I went on an afternoon adventure and visited about four courses around town. It was a fantastic trip. We got to see the city from many different perspectives and realized how under used the Par 3 Courses and driving ranges are, not only in this city, but across the country.

PAR ३'s ARE THE ANSWER to so many of golf's problems.

Check out what William Amick says about PAR ३'s here:

If people only knew THE POWER of THE PAR ३'s and what it could do for The International Golf Scene।

I was on the phone today with my friend Matt Roberts.
It was Wild।
He gave me some really interesting information I was happy to hear.

I guess we will JUST have to see what goes on.

Please dont forget to Tee it Up and turn up the Music!!

Word to all the Playas.
Thank you.


Evil E, EU, The Spark and I went out last night for some meetings and good times in the Hollywood Clubs.
Met up with some wild folk who were getting their drink on.

The Spark was a Crazy Mo Fo who was drinking Red Bulls and Rock Stars all night.
He was a Rock Star though who retired to Diego.

We left Evil's at about 11:30 and Made our way down the 101 to Hollywood.
I drove Spark and EU drove Evil.
We followed those fellows, but lost them in the traffic.
It was seriously busy out tonight.

Spark was a bit hyperactive and he told me if he got on my nerves, to tell him to chill out.
I didn't want to tell him that as I don't tell people hoe to act, but Man, he was really getting on my nerves.

He was telling me where to turn and what to do.
I don't do to well with that sort of stuff.
I asked him to please chill out and that I would get us there as quick as possible.
I don't know what the deal was.
He wasn't drinking.
He wanted to see the girls.
That was it.

We finally got to The National but the parking was a horrible.
The parking lots wanted $15 per car and that's a rip off Man!

We cruised around for awhile looking for parking and eventually, EU paid for us to park in the lot next to him.

Evil said he would have some friends there.
They were there and I said Hi.
I always feel guilty talking too much and then writing about it on here because Sloan is at home and might get hurt. I dont want to hurt her feelings so I mostly go and look and ocassionaly talk.

National was sort of lame that night.
It usually is pretty cool though.
We stuck around for a bit but headed out shortly after that.

We headed over to LAX and that is when the party started.
LAX is always bumpin'!
I love that spot.
Met some cool people and enjoyed hanging with the ladies who tried to buy me a drink or two.
But I had to thank them graciously and deny for I aint drinkin' these days.

I am the Designated Driver and prefer it that way.

But met some nice folks that I might stay in touch with.
A couple people from BET and Memphis.

Evil had fun and so did his friends.
The hot dog Man was waiting outside and of course, the Gents wanted a Hot Dog as it was 2:30am

Thursday, May 22, 2008

May 22, 2008-LA is KING

Now I know why the best rest in LA.
Its the coolest spot in America, aside from NYC.
Sure, SF is great and Chicago is too, but LA is wild!

The talks continue.
Each and every day something tremendous happens.
I know we are close as people begin hovering.
Lawyers are calling and want me to take action.

They want me to work with them and are now offering me things to become involved.
This is what I was hoping for.

No one has offered me a car yet, but several are putting money on the table.

But I am not jumping at anything yet.

Mercury is in retrograde and I wont make a decision until the middle of June.
By then, the dust will have settled and things will be clear.

We've been in LA for little over three weeks now and its been a wild ride.

Sloan and I have not been out much, but last night we decided to go out and see some friends.

We started our night off in Venice meeting up with our friend, vocalist Heather Lauren, We know Heather from Sausalito. She moved down to LA not to long ago and has been tearin' it up down here. She just sang a commercial for McDonald's and got a nice pay check for her work. If you have a chance to go listen to Heather, you will enjoy yourself.

We were tired and decided to go home after our time with Heather.
She wasn't actually singing, just hanging out.

Evil E was calling me, but I told him we were going home.
He still came down to Venice and was looking for us with his girlfriend, Sonja.

We checked out the spot he suggested but we were tired and headed home.
Then I felt bad and turned around.

We met up with Evil and Sonja at an awesome, low key, but extremely packed Reggae bar on Venice and Robertson. It was very cool because the lighting was all red.

Sloan and Sonja talked for a while and really enjoyed themselves.
Sonja is a yoga teacher and Sloan told her that she would help her with any new projects or initiatives she was trying to get started.

After hanging with Evil, Sloan and I headed home.

I had to get up early to meet with Danny Wu downtown at The Pantry.

It was a good breakfast where I learned that Rhaki Patel from Grinnell is now working at Skadden with Danny as part of the Summer Associate Program.

I gave Rhaki big kudos.

It was amazing to hear this.
I couldn't believe it.

I then headed up to Sherman Oaks where I waited until 11 am and my meeting with Lance Robbins. I waited in the car and made phone calls.

I called up Overbrook Entertainment. That's right, Will Smith's entertainment company.
I asked to speak with Mr. Mack, his assistant.
They said he would call me back.
I will be waiting, hoping to hear from The Mack.

After this call I talked to my old friend and Mentor, Steve Langerud who gave me the low down on a couple situations.

I told him what was up and he said he would be flying out to LA in the next month or so.

I will see him then.

I then headed over to Lance's office.
It was a tall building in downtown Sherman Oaks.

Sherman Oaks was a very cool area.
I love all the different cities around LA.
There are so many of them and they are all so unique.

I parked on the street for 50 cents instead of paying four or five bucks in the parking lot and was feeling good.

I especially felt good about paying 50 cents when his assistant told me he was not in the office because his son was sick.

We wouldn't be meeting and at first I got pissed.
Then I was like, I have a lot of work to do and need to better prepare for this meeting.
I was a bit bummed out and wondered if this meeting with Lance Robbins,, would actually happen.

Since the whole thing with Timothy Hamilton had happened, I wondered what would become of my other great lead. Thing is, Tim and I talked indepth about the project the day before.

I followed up our conversation with an NDA and he then had a bit of a problem signing it.
Instead of handling it professionally, he went on to tell me how most producers would laugh at me.

He went on to tell me that I would be black listed for such a request.

Ok Tim.

So I went home to Sloan and we enjoyed our afternoon.

We prepared for the following day, just as we do every day.

Being prepared is half the battle.

We've got this down and I am ready to get busy.

Monday, May 19, 2008


I woke up early and was excited to start a new week full of decisive meetings.

This week, I should know a whole lot more than last.

Each week and every day I keep getting closer and closer to my desired outcome.

When Sloan and I went for a walk in Griffith Park yesterday, I was talking about how LA is the right place for us because people care about the arts and culture.

People in LA support artists, big dreams, and ideas.

I told Sloan people in LA have money to support great projects and talented artists.
Then, I looked down and found a dollar bill with a receipt inside that said, "Where Kids are King."

I will never forget it.

At that point, I knew everything would be great.

This morning I woke up at 7 with six scheduled meetings.

The one I thought could be most significant was with DT over at the Universal/NBC Studios.

The phone call I got from him was very interesting.
He said he was someone I should know.

HE was a former Evans Scholar from University of Michigan.
I respect this big time, but the vibe wasn't there.
I think he was trying to be as nice as he could be, and it wasnt that he wasnt nice, it was that he was talking about how he understood the project and could help make it successful, but wanted to get paid.

I am always weary of people like that.

Really, I wish I wouldn't have met him.
He kinda spoiled my day.

I was sorta pissed off after I met him.

I cant stand people who think their shit dont stink.
This guy, was dissapointing to say the least.

So I got out of there and the rest of the day was much better.

Went home and worked until very early the next morning.

Waiting to capitilize on all of these meetings I have been having.
I am certain its coming soon.

Sunday, May 18, 2008

May 18th, 2008-LA is THE CITY of ANGELS

I never understand why people cringe when you tell them you are from LA or moving to LA or live in LA.

LA is awesome and the people here for the most part are very nice.
I think LA has a reputation as a glamour and glitz town only concerned with surface features, when really the people here are so very smart and extremely accomplished.

As soon as I heard Chili Peppers rock it out,
I knew i would love LA forever.

The pace of life in LA is faster than most places in the world.
I like LA and expect to thrive here.

Today, as Sloan and I were walking through Griffith Park, we were visiting the pony stables and the magic train. We were excited to see the awesome activities for children and talked about how we knew we were in the right place.

"Yes," I said, "LA is a place for dreamers and doers. There is no room for people who don't dream and don't do. LA is also a town of big money looking for big projects coming to fruition. We are in the right place." And as soon as I said right place, I looked down and found a dollar bill folded up with a receipt for the toy train ride.

The receipt said, "Where Kids are Kings."

LA is a city where kids, dreamers, artists, and creatives are kings.
Anything you want can and will happen.

If you want something bad enough, come to LA and you will find a way to make it happen. I am certain of it.

Don't let what you hear fool you.
Take the risk and you will be rewarded.

Friday, May 16, 2008

May 16th, 2008-I PITY THE NAY SAYERS

People are always asking me, "Where is the money coming from."
The Money?

The Money will come I tell them.
I am certain.
As certain as Sunday following Saturday.
No doubt about it.
The money is almost here.

But an answer such as that is not good enough for most people.
Especially those people who would like to invest, but don't want to be the first.

I understand.

Some people are risk averse, others are not.
Most people are followers and very few are leaders.

I am looking for leaders.

The money is coming is a real answer though, especially when you have total faith in the universe supporting your work.

If people were always worried about the money, then half the projects in the world wouldn't come to fruition.

Don't worry about the money I say.
Build the strongest team possible and go out and achieve your goal for no great task ever got accomplished with a bunch of people only doing something because they were getting paid to do so.

People must be passionate about their work and together their passion will allow them to achieve the end results, no matter how big or small.

Sometimes when people ask me where the money is coming from, I tell I am headed to Dubai to meet with Sheikh Mohammed bin Rashid Al Maktoum.

This is actually true for I am talking with players in Dubai and will go present my project to The Al Maktoum Foundation sometime in the very near future.

I am waiting for them to out me on their schedule.

I cant rush things and I certainly cant tell the Price to speed it up.

All I know is the money is coming from so many different directions, I cant exactly pin point it.

That's the truth.

I have never had any doubt the money would come as soon as I was in the right spot.
Finding the right people to help me make this happen has been tough because I was in the wrong city for an entertainment based endeavor. But now, since I am living in LA, I am closer than I have ever been.

I am certain this baby is almost there.

The money always comes in if you believe in your work and focus on producing your goals with honor and passion.

You mustn't give up.
Never, ever give up if you can see it, taste it, and breath it.
That means its right around the corner.
And when you think you cant take any more, you must never ever give up.
KEEP on doin' what you must to get the job done and see your vision through.

The Wise Man is he who has a dream and continues on his path in pursuit of his dreams and vision beyond all reasonable doubt for he knows truth and love will always persevere.

The Wise Man has The Universe on his side. Such a feeling is very powerful and can not be mistaken for anything other than divine inspiration and intervention leading to the ultimate fulfillment.

Nay sayers will always down size a project of great size for they have no idea how they themselves would accomplish such a great task.

Nay Sayers never dream, they hold judgement and contempt for people who do dream.

Nay Sayers dismiss projects they can and cant see for they feel inferior to the world around them. Some people are permanent nay sayers and downers.

Steer clear of these type individuals for they are energy suckers and the last people who will ever be needed in bringing a vision to reality.

Dreamers get bashed for not being able to take the appropriate steps needed to implement a dream on their own. Thing is, most large dreams take vision, planning, financial backing, execution, and plenty of follow through from a team.

Completion of a large dream is not always a dreamer or visionaries fault for there are many steps to bringing any vision to fruition. If a dreamer wants something bad enough and works hard enough, it will occur.

Large dreams always take longer than expected, but will eventually happen if the universe is in favor of the overall vision. The Universe is in favor of visions that create community, spread wealth, and bring peace and happiness to many people.

Most the time dreams do not come to fruition because the dream is not feasible or because the money can not be secured. But if the dreamer wants something bad enough, they will achieve it.

A dreamer is not a dreamer when they follow through and achieve what they set out to accomplish. They are much more than that. They are a master manifest or.

Big dreams take time and a network. With a network and positive energy like the one INTERGALACTIC GOLF has surrounding it, we are certain great things are working in the Universe and coming to fruition.

People feel threatened and overwhelmed with ideas they can not grasp or do not know how to complete.

Its easy to dismiss great ideas rather than follow them through to completion.
And since the majority of the world are talkers and people who cant finish anything, why would one finish a project of the size I am speaking.

Why follow through an insurmountable task that has never, ever before been conceived or proved before?

Again, if that were the case, then plenty of the worlds greatest products and inventions would never come about.

The Energy, desire, and team is gathering.

I am certain my dreams and vision for The Future of Golf and Entertainment are coming to fruition quicker than expected.

Everything is a process and some take longer than others.
This vision, has definitely taken time.

I don't necessarily like how long this process has taken, but I wont give up.
I am four years closer than I was four years ago.

The project and vision is at the right place at the right time.
We are here and ready to capitalize.
It is very close.

I can taste it and see it.

I breath it.

Enough with the Philosophy.

Today, I had a morning meeting with Alex Rose, a former agent for Excel Sports.
Nice guy.
Talked with Alex for a while and then called Attorney Lori Landew.

Lori is a cool woman who lives in Phili. She is an entertainment attorney whom I believe could offer a lot of assistance for this project, but again, she wonders where the money is coming from.

When I told her I maxed out three cards in the process, she cringed.
She responded with, that doesn't sound so good.

Lori is a nice person.
I like her.

She says its easy to risk it all when you don't have anything to loose.
She is right.

Still, I laugh at people who are so calculated and never take a risk.
Its so funny to see.

Lori is very nice and said she would be willing to help me along the way.
That was really good of her.

She gave me great references and I actually called Neil Levine, the VP at Capitol Records Urban Music Department. He called me back and we spoke for a brief moment about Lori.

Neil praised her and I figure she would be great for the position.
I will keep her in mind for the future and am glad to know her.

Build the team.
Build the team and the dream will come.
Build it and they will come.

Plenty of people have great ideas and want free legal assistance.
As people will come to find out, betting on Luke Kohl, is a very smart move.

At 11:15am, I jumped on the 5S to 110 to the 10W.
I was headed to Rancho Park Golf Course in Santa Monica where I would meet with Pamela Lane.

This producer, writer, golfer answered one of my Entertainment Career postings.
She introduced herself as One Smart Girl.

So I met with her because she seemed interesting.
I didn't know what to expect.
Is this woman going to think she has an answer for everything?
Is she going to be full of herself?

Actually, Pamela was very nice.
She showed up dressed in black and white pants holding her dog.
She said it was too hot to leave her dog at home so he was her caddy for the day.

We talked for an hour over lunch.
Rancho Park is awesome.
Love it there.

Uriel walked by and looked at me.
I gave him a smile and a whats up.
He was wondering what was going on.

Pamela gave me some great insight and talked with me pretty indepth about where this project could lead to. She stressed the internet strategy and how to develop this project with minimal budget.

We then parted at about 1pm and I jumped back on the freeway and raced across town.
Problem was, I wasn't racing since the 10 and 110 was slammed packed.
Bumper to Bumper moving at 20 mph.

I had to be at The Tribune Lot Studios by 2:30pm for the taping of MASTER OF DANCE with JOEY LAWRENCE. I was meeting producer Timothy Hamilton. Unfortunately there was no way this was going to happen since the traffic was

Think again, I was racing through traffic and decided to go the 101 since the 110 was packed.

Good Choice.

Thought the 101 was packed, it was moving a lot faster than the 110.
Actually, once I got around the bend in downtown and on to the actual 101, it freed up and I was able to lay on the gas and move.

Though I was in and out of traffic, I am very confident in my driving ability.
In and out of Hollywood bound traffic I swerved with the time in mind.
It was 2pm now and I had 30 minutes to pick Sloan up and cruise to 5800 Sunset.
Could I make it on Friday with slammed pack traffic?

It was a like a serious chase scene.
Back and Forth through traffic.
There was no way we were going to make it.

I excited at Hollywood and took a right.

Down Hollywood for a couple blocks, cops were crawling the streets like giant cock roaches ready to pounce on a good piece of meat.

A left on Western and up the hill and around the bend.
Down Los Feliz through the residential area.

I was really high tailing it at about 50 mph in a 35.

Glad there weren't any cops around.

Damn, I cant stand being late.

Round a group of cars who couldn't make their mind up.
Down the hill and a there was the giant fountain.
That signaled a right had turn onto Riverside.

I called Sloan a bout 20 minutes ago and then about 5 minutes ago to check on where she was.

She was waiting outside and ready to jump in the car.
So I pulled up.
She jumped in, and we took off.

We rolled down Los Feliz and around onto Western.
I had been there only minutes before and from what I could tell, we were making great time. WE actually had ten minutes to go and we were only four blocks away.

But then, a giant bus was pulled over picking up pedestrians.
How was I going to get around him?

I could tell it was going to take a bit of maneuvering.
So I squeezed between the van and the bus and took a right on Sun Set.


Across the 101 and over to Bronson.
We took a left and pulled in the Gate where the security guard told us we would have to park across the street.

Fortunately we had plenty of time.
I couldn't believe it.

So after parking and making our way to the set, we found out we had more time than we expected.

Shit, I rushed and didn't need to.

I cant stand being late, but I really cant stand putting my life or that of Sloan's in danger via fast driving.

I told Timothy I would be there and I could help but be concerned if I didn't show up and they had closed the doors on us. That would have been horrible.

But we were there early and walked in ahead of the line of extras.
We were seated ahead of the rest and actually escorted to seats that said RESERVED FOR: Luke Kohl and Sloan Showalter. Four bottle of water accompanied the reserved chairs. It was quite awesome of Timothy and his crew.

And then, after waiting for a bit and watching the couple hundred extras file through the door, the crew manned their positions and Gilbert, the rowdy MC, started cracking jokes, handing out candy bars and tshirts, having singing contests, and beauty shows.

Gilbert was hilarious and we definitely liked him. Sloan laughed a lot and so did I. We were having a great time. This was the first live taping of a show that I had ever been to. It was quite exciting to see a stage so colorful and vibrant.

Then Timothy came out for just a second and talked with us. We thanked him for being so gracious and setting this up. It was really cool. He said no problem and couldn't believe I had no hair. I told him I shaved it the day before in order to fit into his and Joey Lawrence's club of bald heads.

Never, ever did I think I would be bald.
Never did I think Joey Lawrence would be bald, but he actually looks great with a chrome dome.

Eventually he came out and started his takes.
Sloan and I both agreed that Joey seemed like a very nice guy.

At one point during the show, Tim and Joey both came over the the edge of the stage and started talking to me about how all three of us had no hair.

It was pretty funny.

MASTER OF DANCE will premier on JUNE 8 on TLC at 8pm.
Stay tuned.

It looked very fun.

Timothy Hamilton was great.
His team was also awesome.
We have a meeting set for this upcoming Tuesday.
Its great that he invited us.

I am looking forward to this.
I think Tim and I could work very well together.
He is extremely accomplished and moving his way up the ladder of production awards quickly. He is dedicated and extremely professional.

I hope this works out.

Still waiting to hear back from Lance Robbins.