Buckminster Fuller is an incredible Dude.
It amazes me how his teachings and research have made such a big impact on me in the last year or so.
His work has and will continue to make a huge impact on the world.
Several months back, Sloan and I traveled to San Sebastapool to meet with NEAL KATZ, THE BUCK MINSTER FULLER INSTITUTE PRESIDENT.
Whoa, that was an awesome drive up to a small town about an hour North of SF.
Sloan and I enjoyed ourself and very much enjoyed meeting Neal.
He lived out on a farm with vegetables growing everywhere.
He in an accountant and his wife is an artist.
It was a great trip and we felt great promise in the air.
After this trip, I began reading even more about Buckminster.
It has been incredible to learn about the mind of this individual.
I am certain at spots along his life, it was very hard being BUCKY FULLER.
His brain was so incredible and inquisitive.
He was one of the worlds greatest minds and thinkers.
He left a huge impact on society with his teachings, studies, writings and more.
This is a small tribute page to Bucky.
The following will tell you more about his ingenious mind.
Richard Buckminster “Bucky” Fuller (July 12, 1895 – July 1, 1983)[1] was an American architect, author, designer, futurist, inventor, and visionary. He was the second president of Mensa.[2] He lends his name to a family of complex carbon structures called Buckminsterfullerene also known as Bucky Balls.
Throughout his life, Fuller was concerned with the question "Does humanity have a chance to survive lastingly and successfully on planet Earth, and if so, how?"[citation needed] Considering himself an average individual without special monetary means or academic degree,[3] he chose to devote his life to this question, trying to identify what he, as an individual, could do to improve humanity's condition, which large organizations, governments, and private enterprises inherently could not do.
Pursuing this lifelong experiment, Fuller wrote more than thirty books, coining and popularizing terms such as "Spaceship Earth", ephemeralization, and synergetics. He also worked in the development of numerous inventions, chiefly in the fields of design and architecture, the best known of which is the geodesic dome. Carbon molecules known as fullerenes or buckyballs were named for their resemblance to geodesic spheres.
Late in his life, after working on his concepts for several decades, Fuller achieved considerable public visibility. He travelled the world giving lectures, and received numerous honorary doctorates. Most of his inventions, however, never made it into production. Often dismissed as a hopeless utopian, he was strongly criticized in most fields he tried to influence, including architecture[citation needed]. His proponents, on the other hand, continue to assert that his work has not yet received the attention that it deserves.
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