As always, click on the title of this blog to be swept away to a special spot.
On Sunday, Sloan and I went Palm Springs to talk with Jay Maldanado. Driving through the endless acres of windmills was beautiful. Mile after mile those babies spin like tops. Sometimes you get dizzy watching. Other times you become mesmerized. Palm Springs is an oasis with golf course and gated communities stacked on top of one another. Its a spot where there is always a party supporting a non profit or charity.
The last time I went to Palm Springs was in 2002 for Coachella. Wow, thats a long time ago. That trip got me thinking about what it would be like to throw giant parties on golf courses. I thought it was a very good idea. Why not? Golf courses get plenty of traffic for majors. 100,000 or so is nothing. The course has a year to recover for the next one. And shoot, we are talking about a large park. Grass bounces back. If it gets brown, it will green up again after a rain. My idea wasnt so absurd and now, people are finally listening to me. Its been a long, hard road, but people are finally listening to my vision for the future of golf and embracing it like never before. When I contacted the Magic Bishop as seen above pimped out as a Leprachaun all Blinged out, he said, Get your golf and your gold on Big Boy!" The Magic Bishop will be in attendance and so will his homey, Snoop Sizzle. Thats cuz he loves the the game and anything that can help the kids, he is up for. He keeps it rockin and never stops cuz he is the man. The project and the party is nearly complete. This has been a long road.
I talked wil Neal Katz from The Buckminster Fuller Institute the other day. He is just back from Bucky's retrospective at The Whitney in NYC. This show is a cant miss. Sloan and I look forward to heading up and checking out the work of this master mind.
Stay focused and do what you have to do to get it done they say.
We are almost there.
Stay tuned.......
The last time I went to Palm Springs was in 2002 for Coachella. Wow, thats a long time ago. That trip got me thinking about what it would be like to throw giant parties on golf courses. I thought it was a very good idea. Why not? Golf courses get plenty of traffic for majors. 100,000 or so is nothing. The course has a year to recover for the next one. And shoot, we are talking about a large park. Grass bounces back. If it gets brown, it will green up again after a rain. My idea wasnt so absurd and now, people are finally listening to me. Its been a long, hard road, but people are finally listening to my vision for the future of golf and embracing it like never before. When I contacted the Magic Bishop as seen above pimped out as a Leprachaun all Blinged out, he said, Get your golf and your gold on Big Boy!" The Magic Bishop will be in attendance and so will his homey, Snoop Sizzle. Thats cuz he loves the the game and anything that can help the kids, he is up for. He keeps it rockin and never stops cuz he is the man. The project and the party is nearly complete. This has been a long road.
I talked wil Neal Katz from The Buckminster Fuller Institute the other day. He is just back from Bucky's retrospective at The Whitney in NYC. This show is a cant miss. Sloan and I look forward to heading up and checking out the work of this master mind.
Stay focused and do what you have to do to get it done they say.
We are almost there.
Stay tuned.......
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