The Dot Com Era was crazy.
At least that is what everybody says.
SF turned into HOLLYWOOD for a couple years.
It was amazing.
People were making fist fulls of cash day in and out.
That sounds nice.
I know the businesses were loving it.
SF is the coolest.
I love it there.
It is so small and quaint.
I think by the time I left there, I knew so many people, it was crazy.
Living in San Francisco, I heard many stories, both good and bad about this very wicked time in America Innovation and Advancement.
I guess I speak about this because it is this innovation and tech craze that we need to think about more and more these days.
When a country is in a depression, and that is what I call it,
2.0 is the only way.
Our brightest minds must step up and make a difference.
I want everyone to know about TED, IDEAS WORTH SPREADING.
If you click on the title at the top of this blog, you too can find out more.
An amazing resource for the innovators and creatives in this world as well as all people interested in what is up and coming, what is hot, and what is next up on the global agenda.
What's up right now is INNOVATION.
School's, especially high school and coleges need to be teaching innovation or at least factoring it into part of the lesson plans in several of the core subjects curriculum.
The fact is that THE US is in a serious situation since our Physical Education and Art programing is being cut.
This is a big no no in proper human development.
No wonder we have so many problems with human interaction.
WE have to be give a chance to learn the techniques of proper play as children.
The time is now to make more changes than just playing more golf.
I know a lot of you will probably get bored with all the talk I do about golf.
Well, I can talk about more than just golf, but since this is a BLOG dedicated to THE INTERGALACTIC GOLF REVOLUTION, I am sticking to this topic.
Still, innovation is amajor facet of this project and without proper education starting in our grade schools and high schools, youth will never establish the soprt of mental frame work and subjective thinking patterns necessary to really take on larger challenges or larger than life possibilities for they are too worried about failing or being laughed at.
Yes, I have faced these issues many times over the course of my life and I am sure you have too.
I bring this issue and others up
The other thing that Grade School, High School
Its been a while since I wrote and I apologize as I have been trying to get all these other technologies up and running.
i am not very good with that sort of stuff.
Amazing, I know, I just am not as technologically savy as other folks.
I mean, I am better than my parents.
At least I figured out how to put this baby up.
But if you look at these kids around the world who are so great at working with gadgets, down loading and doing all this other crap, its pretty amazing.
The world is changing so quickly right now, its really amazing.
If you are not keeping up to date with what is going on, well, dont feel bad.
So many people are lost and left in the smoke behind the bus that just picked your friend up on the corner. See, cars will become less and less popular and solar powered flying machines will pop up here and there.
Or maybe we will just have to flea this planet before we each get to command our own space ship.
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