Been drinking too many Sugar Free ROCKSTAR' this past week an attempt to stay up later and later so I can get more work done. I am on a strict deadline and need to get as much out as possible.
The Golf Revolution is upon us....people are waiting.
I woke up at 1pm after staying up until 5am and proceeded to write all day.
Torston of BEATKRAFT contacted me and wanted to know if I wanted to go out.
I hadnt seen Torston in a long time so how could I say no.
Torston is a Revolutionist from East Germany who was responsible for getting the Berlin Wall destroyed.
He and his Homies in East Germany were in charge of The Electronica, Trance, and House music scene.
They threw raves and pissed government officials off with their rebellious music.
Soon, he was talking about revolution and causing one through his music.
It was amazing.
Torston is a major ally who understands what I am doing with golf.
Torston is going to be working with INTERGALACTIC on our projects and we are looking forward to having him on board.
HE brings incredible background and tradition to our program.
Yeah, so we decided to go to VANGUARD and listen to his Homies from Germany BLANK and JONES tear it up.
This awesome tag team duo from Germany rocks the house where ever they go.
But before we got there, Torsten and I hung out for a while, got some drinks and stopped at the bank.
Then we zoomed over to VANGUARD where TORSTEN knew everybody.
No surprise.
See, Torsten is from East Berlin and used to be Paul Van Dyks Manager. Torsten's story is amazing and if you ever want to learn more about him, you should find him at one of his events, www.BEATKRAFT.com, one of our events, www.intergalacticgolf.com, or at VANGUARD. He will probably be speaking with DJ's, the managers, or some hot chicks.
Torsten is the Founder and President of BEATKRAFT, www.BEATKRAFT.com, a Premier DJ Booking Service and Management Firm. He has some awesome artists on his roster including DJ's VON SHOCK and CHRIS LEWIS. Tonight, one of his other artists, Miss Kristina Sky, www.KRISTINASKY.com, closed for Blank and Jones. She was awesome!! I enjoyed speaking with her before her performance. Check her out!
Torsten is so cool and it was great to see him. It had been a long time since we talked. He stays very busy handling the careers of many different artists. He just got back from Puerto Rico where he was taking a break with his wife. Sounds like he had a great time. Puerto Rico is awesome!!
We had a great time and now its time to get busy.
Of course, when we got to Vanguard, he knew everyone and we got front and center, first class treatment. After getting searched, we headed straight to The VIP where the ladies were packed in. Then down to the main floor where he took me up on the stage and we hung out all night.
Torsten knows everyone and he introduced me to many people. It was really cool of him.
He even introduced me to BETH of GIANT, www.GIANTCLUB.com.
They are one of the largest promoters and club producers in LA.
They are very busy and keep this city pumped up with House, Trance, and Electronic Music.
The ladies roaming throughout VANGUARD were dressed like girls getting ready to jump out of a birthday cake. I had a great time to say the least. Everyone was very friendly and it was wonderful to be there.
The night ended at like 4am and well, its 7am now and I am getting ready to doze off for a bit.
Have a wonderful Sunday!
A new week is upon us and its shaping up to be a great one.
Remember to click the title of this blog up top and watch an awesome video curtousey of BLANK and JONES who ROCK THE HOUSE NIGHT after NIGHT.
These guys are awesome!!
And make sure you go out and Tee it Up Playas.
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