What up What Up Players around the world!
GOLF is HEATING up in 2009!
INTERNATIONS GOLF SCENE is getting exciting with the variety of tours and world players traveling around in attempt to amass enough points on both THE USA PGA TOUR's FED EX CUP and THE EUROPEAN TOUR RACE TO DUBAI.
Apparently Tim Finchem, THE USA PGA TOUR COMMISSIONER, re formatted the FED EX CUP again this year to bring the spectators and players the most thrilling ride ever.
Then The Good Shiekhs of DUBAI put of $10 Million and made History with the richest prize in Golf.
Golf is certainly getting interesting.
This is great competition and drives up the interest and excitement in golf for sure.
NEXT, its time for golf tours around the world to unite.
Make a schedule complementing each of the interests in global advertising and marketing of both the game, the players, and the companies who support the tours.
The time is now.
As Charlie Sifford said in his book, JUST LET ME PLAY, "It’s not the players who need to change the system, it’s the tournaments and the country clubs and the PGA itself. I don’t think it’s Jack Nicklaus who needs to get more involved, I think its corporate America itself. The people who bankroll these tours and the sponsors who pay for the TV time and are making a great deal of money out of golf….its in their best interests to make the game healthy and whole."
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