Al lot of us dream about things we would like to do, things we would like to have, or places we would like to be.
Sometimes however, instead of dreaming, it comes down to you achieving the vision and following it through from inception to completion.
For those of us out there who have a vision or desire of something we would like to have close to us in our posessio, we must really figure out how it benefits us and those around us. If this is positive, it willl become the will of the universe and we shall be granted that which we desire for it is good for all.
How to Make Your Dream Come True
A dream needs more than a wish.
Wishes dissolve in the mist.
To come true, a dream needs a foundation of concrete not sand.
When you offer a solid foundation, people listen.
They pay attention because you’ve moved the dream into the realm of possibility.
Here’s how to get to a concrete foundation you need.
Define the dream.
Take the idea out of your head.
Put it in front of you to look critically at it.
How does the “dream come true” actually look?
How does it work?
Do you see a living example in the world?
Describe it in the smallest details.
Define where you sit.
Is the dream a good fit to who you are, what you know, and what you can do?
What seeds for the dream are in your life already?
How might you nurture them?
Plot your strategy.
What’s the path from here to the “dream come true”?
Start with the finished dream and work backwards until you’re where you sit.
Detail your needs.
What work have you already done?
What can you do on your own?
What sort of help and resources can you hire, borrow, or dig up?
Sort them into three lists.
Determine your commitment.
What will it take to make the dream come true?
Why this dream not another?
What arguments will you face?
How will you answer them?
What will you be willing to give up and invest?
Would you do it alone if you had to?
Will you give yourself permission to go after the dream — even when the world says you should not?
Enlist support and advocates.
Who sees the same dream?
Who wants your success?
Who helps you think?
Who can help you meet the needs you’ve outlines above?
Write the story.
Name the dream come true.
Write one sentence about what the dream will do.
Write three points that explain how other folks benefit from helping this dream become reality.
Know how you’ll ask.
Visualize yourself asking for help.
Choose the words you will use.
Write several kinds of requests based on benefits folks will get from helping the dream into reality.
Define yourself by the dream.
When people ask what you do, tell them about the dream you’re making come true.
Think of your “day job” as support and supplemental to the dream.
I’m an actor who works here now, not I’m a waiter who working to be an actor.
It’s willingness and determination to give ourselves over to our dreams that makes them happen.
What’s the difference between me and the guy who got what I wanted when I didn’t?
He wanted it enough to stick when it got difficult. I decided somewhere that something else was more important.
The dream is there.
It’s not magic.
It’s not the big break.
It’s giving ourselves permission to pull out all stops.
Surely you’ve known someone you would defend at any cost.
Find a dream like that — one you’ll single-mindedly protect — and you’ll make that dream happen.
Got the dream? When will you make the investment?
When will you make your dream reality?
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