Gold price by


Paris, France


Doha, Qatar

Tokyo, Japan



Hong Kong


Shanghai, China

Pasadena, California


Moscow, RUSSIA

Beijing, China

London, United Kingdom

Dubai, United Arab Emirates

INTERGALACTIC GOLF = Greatest Golf Competition & Party ....Ever!
We activate an extraordinary experience in order to raise substantial funds for our charity partners around the world.
INTERGALACTIC GOLF is in the form of a traveling golf and entertainment experience.
We are a Carbon Neutral, Green Technology Driven Professional Golf and Entertainment Tour featuring the greatest professional men and women golfers from all major tours around the world, plus celebrities, artists, world leaders, and world qualifying juniors/adult amateurs.
most often found in college and university towns or sports & entertainment capitals around the world such as: Los Angeles, San Francisco, Seattle, Honolulu, Las Vegas, Dallas, Houston, Denver, Kansas City, Nashville, Louisville, Memphis, Atlanta, New Orleans, Orlando, Myrtle Beach, London, Berlin, Barcelona, Moscow, Budapest, Istanbul, Tel Aviv, Kuwait City, Doha, Abu Dhabi, Dubai, Mumbai, Bangalore, Tokyo, Hong Kong, Shanghai, Seoul, Kuala Lumpur, Jakarta, Karachi, Singapore, Cape Town, Sydney, Melbourne, and many other locations.
INTERGALACTIC GOLF events are located in mesmerizing locations around the world and providing optimal live, mobile, or at home experience.
$10 Million has been set aside for Par 3 Tournaments under the lights.
A mandatory percentage of all Pro's Winnings will go to a charity of their choice. Events, Tournaments, and Festivities will take place for several weeks in each city leading up to the actual INTERGALACTIC GOLF WEEK.
INTERGALACTIC GOLF is dedicated to inspiring all people around the world by focusing on the fresh, fun, and cool side of life and golf. INTERGALACTIC GOLF is creating a world in which every young person is prepared to succeed, actively pursuing their dreams.
INTERGALACTIC teaches vital life skills needed for success through golf and arts programming found at our "INTERGALACTIC" branded facilities around the world.
INTERGALACTIC GOLF is simply a Utopia traveling around the world and

1) INTERGALACTIC GOLF is in the form of a 7 Star Golf, Entertainment, and Empowerment Tour & League featuring the greatest DJ's, musicians, professional men and women golfers from all major world tours, the greatest celebrity and professional athlete golfers, the best youth golfers, and other VIP's and World Leaders who love golf and want to empower humanity by promoting golf in the greatest of ways. WE come together, united as INTERGALACTIC, to promote golf as a social and economic mobility tool, rather than using golf as a social and economic control mechanism as it has been for so many years.
2) INTERGALACTIC GOLF is among other things a massive global charity fund raising platform capable of raising tens of billions per year for 1,000 global charities dedicated to empowering and inspiring humanity, educating youth, teaching golf-arts-science, and much more.
3) INTERGALACTIC GOLF is a highly innovative television and live event marketing, advertising, and pr platform rooted in long term global grassroots development. Imagine a global golf tour promoting and supporting the greatest golf and entertainment talent in the world that travels to the most beautiful golf resorts in the world and features the greatest DJ's, Bands, Break Dancing Competitions, Go Go Dancers, Super Sport Car Shows, Fashion Shows, and more. INTERGALACTIC GOLF is this and much, much more.
4)INTERGALACTIC GOLF will connect with the emotional, social, physical, and psychological touchpoints of humanity, thus activating increased sales and Return On Investment for those cities, countries, sponsors, and investors, who fund our platform.
5) INTERGALACTIC GOLF is a very expansive vision layed out for THE FUTURE of GOLF, ENTERTAINMENT, and THE WORLD over the next 10 years.
6) Supporting INTERGALACTIC GOLF is a brilliant idea for any brand manager or equity firm with diversified investments looking for ways in which to market their artist, product, or service.

Tuesday, February 21, 2012
If education were fun, exciting, rewarding, and positive, more youth would attend school and their incredible brains would flourish, and so would society as a whole.
Unfortunately, this is not the case and drop-out rates would not be at an all time high. Its time to make learning even more fun for the 21st Century!! Its time to implement more edutainment programming and new education systems that are engaging our youth's minds, spirit, and hearts.
We are still teaching old paradigms and processes of education for a new century and a new world. No longer do the old paradigms from even 10 years ago create positive results.
The Golf, Arts, Service, and Entrepreneurship platform Intergalactic presents is one answer of many. The balance Intergalactic Education Programming presents the balance humanity needs right now.
It is a crime for a species, especially human beings, to not step up and best prepare the off-spring of their civilization for future success. It is mandatory that the human species prepare future generations to grow smarter, stronger, and more conscious. This does not mean 1% of the population is properly educated or prepared. This means the masses are prepared with proper programming of all types.
This movement to a more conscious global community is coming. Its time to speed the process up and provide the masses with what is needed to live flourishing lives.
Who would disagree with that?
(1) GOLF-->Besides Education and The Arts, Golf is our most important and most powerful global economic and social mobility tool. Golf is a multi-trillion dollar per year global economic stimulation platform that is both a sport, hobby, and a form of meditation. It is vital that we prepare our youth for the future with the tools and resources they need to survive. Golf is one of these tools. In the 21st Century, it is golf that has become one of the most important platforms for success. Thus, we must implement a global framework of golf programming as mandatory elementary and high school curriculum in at least 95% of schools around the world by 2020. By doing so, we will strengthen the future economy, the future work force, and the future development of humanity.
(2) ARTS-->Besides Education and Golf, The Arts are our most powerful and cerebral enriching opportunity that we can engage in. Personal development of the creative and visual arts is vital because it stimulates our brains, unlocking uncharted territories and opportunities for growth and creation for the the advancement and betterment of mankind. Plus, the arts on all levels provides us with relaxing period of enlightenment and creativity. Without The Arts, we can not develop as human beings, nor comment on humanity's current condition. The Arts, since the beginning of time, are the barometer judging the health and vibration of our global community. Currently, we are on the upswing.
(3) SOCIAL SERVICE-->What is life without giving back to our fellow brothers and sisters. Even better, what is life without giving back to youngsters who yearn for guidance, teachers, mentors, and friends? Sharing but a limited amount of your human greatness with your fellow human beings is vital because you should and because you know its the right to do. Plus, when you give of yourself, your Golf like qualities and child like qualities shine through. Your compassion, heart, and excellence are the essence of your soul. If we were all contributing social service hours to our communities, our world would be in much better shape. What if all the school children of the world and all the suits on Wall Street were mandated to give back 1 day or 10 hours of service per month. Do you know how beautiful this world would become. This must be a new standard implemented along with the others that will help elevate and accelerate our human conscious development.
(4) SOCIAL ENTREPRENEURSHIP-->Creating, innovating, and inventing are vital roles for humanity to engage in. Some people are more natural at it than others. However, starting right now and moving forward, it is mandatory that all children, starting at a young age are prepared to be thinking like creators, innovators, and engineers. This will better prepare youth around the world for their future responsibilities. The most important thing we can remember when building businesses is that we must implement A Triple Bottom Line Standard-->PEOPLE PLANET PROFIT. No longer is building a business alone ok. Now, in The 21st Century, we must put in certain checks and balances to make sure that our ecological impact, social impact, and our local, national, and global impact are in check. The businesses we create from this point forward have to be low impact, ecologically friendly, and giving back in a positive manner to Humanity at all times. No longer can business be about plundering and hoarding. We must create a natural balance with the universe. This is mandatory. Children in Grade School and High School must be taught about the new approaches so they can start developing their minds at a younger age around ingenuity, ecological sanctity, and total creativity. Children are bored of the monotony and the traditional curriculum. Children want to be prepared and want to excel at a younger age and learn more faster. We are in an age of rapid information disbursement and youth of all ages are better suited for this accelerated learning curve. We are severally hindering the development of humanity with our lack of concern and disengagement to what their needs are. WE are not fulfilling our duty to our youth. WE must now begin creating curriculum that they choose and they organize around their interest levels. New charter schools testing these intensive self directed programming and social entrepreneurial paradigms are coming to fruition and will continue appearing so that we can eventually make a global change to our new, advanced educational programming.
Wednesday, February 15, 2012
Despite the social distortion, the global economic collapse, and the sanctity of mankind's civil liberties being challenged like never before, we will survive these trying times and become stronger because of it.
To think, Golf, The Sport of Kings, is actually about to finally be all it can be for all of humanity by becoming a real solution for all people. Most importantly man, woman, and child of all socioeconomic levels. Golf can bring about balance and equality for humanity's future. Golf is about to become the guiding light and THE GLOBAL EQUALIZER.
Times are changing and a New Era is approaching. We will question why all of this is happening and why we must feel like puppets in this process. It's sad that the global infrastructure is so flawed and instead of providing abundance for the masses, a select few have been chosen. Greater distribution of goods must be provided and the pillaging that has predominated must come to an end.
I imagine world peace and world love. I am not an idealist, I am a realist who believes that each and everyone of us has positive spirit and greatness inside that we must listen to, unlock, and share. I believe peace and prosperity are real. I believe we can attain our greatest good for ourselves, thus directly and positively impacting all of those around us.
Man's competitiveness, jealousy, envy, and greed, set the stage for deception and the stripping of our liberties. Our potential heaven on earth has turned into a planet of pain. Let us revert back to a blissful state because it is our birthright and because we can. I believe we will. Our very disgruntled and dysfunctional prison type planet has lasted long enough. Don't you agree? Stand up with me and voice your concerns. The good majority of us work too hard to struggle as we do and just barely get by. Indeed, a new paradigm must be set in place to empower, inspire, and enlighten the masses to rise up and be all they can be!!
Gloom and doom predominates the media, thus inflicting scorn, distrust, and anger in all of us at one time or another. The feelings and energies that run rampant should never exist. Why has this come about? Who has let this get so far out of control that we must allow all this negativity to consume our daily lives?
But please remember, what doesn't kill us, always makes us stronger. Through the global disorder we are experiencing, we will achieve greater order and positive opportunity in the future. The Light WILL ALWAYS Prevail Over The Dark. I am here to inform and educate as well as Spread The Light. We are welcoming a New Era of excellence and opportunity. My name is Luke and I am here to share this light and new insight with you. Please prepare To See The Light, for I am The Carrier of Light. I have been preparing all of this for you for more than 10 years. Now is the time for The Light to Surface.
One of the greatest concerns amongst humanity right now is the collapse of our financial system. It is very clear, The Global Ponzi Scheme that was established hundreds of years ago is now falling apart. Greece is one of our first countries witnessing large scale outbreaks of looting and resource scarcity. A Twenty-One percent unemployment rate is on the rise. The "Powers That Be" have timed this collapse perfectly, thus making it look like the whole Mayan End of The World Phenomena is actually happening. WoW!!!
Please don't fear. The world is not coming to an end, but it is rebuilding itself in order to be stronger and better for us in the future. Economic and social structures that have been put in place years ago are crumbling because they can no longer withstand the changing times and the new global consciousness that is rising.
The renewal of our human consciousness is evident as large groups of people are finally embracing their total and complete excellence. Humanity as a whole is becoming more enlightened, more inspired, and more educated on how to tap into their fullest possible potential. We are becoming more intelligent and aware of our greatest good and total calling. We are no longer the "Sheep" they wished we would be. They understand we are wising up to their ways and they are very scared about our knowledge of how "The System" works. No longer do we fit inside of their box. We have created a new sphere of 21st Century consciousness that will help all of us better understand our "God Like Capabilities."
This time of dishevelment is a time for us to become more aware of our total greatness and potential. For it is when we are up against the wall that we are able to really show ourselves and those around us what we are made of. But now, all of humanity is up against a wall and it feels like a large scale Tsunami is rushing towards us. If we freeze like deer in headlights we will be swallowed up, thus, its time to build our boats and prepare the future structures and mechanisms that will best prepare us and save us from the strife and struggle we are currently feeling and experiencing. We must put into place systems that are best suited for creating prosperity, order, and maintaining a steady flow of opportunity creation. If you do not stand up and become extremely strong, you will not survive this time of change. Survival of The Fittest has been implemented. We can't ignore what is taking place all around us.
Being created in the image and likeness of God is a powerful opportunity for all of us. We are not the "Original Creator," but we all have Him inside of us and this means we are responsible for creating our own realities. Thus, we are the creators of our own human experience. How will we overcome the challenging predicaments we find ourselves in now?
One of the realities that has been created for us and that is now collapsing is the current global economic structure. We will indeed have to stay very calm when the economic collapse occurs. We have not yet seen the worst. This collapse is imminent and on its way. In the very near future, the trouble Greece is facing will spread. How far and how serious this will be, no one knows. We all know we have felt the effects and it is clear. We are not out of the quagmire. We are seeing the dissonance in parts of The Middle East.
This makes me sick because The Middle East is so beautiful and the people are so lovely. They have been given a bad rap. I am in pain because of the lies I see told every day. I pray for my friends in the region. Just as the calmness presented itself, it was gone as quick as it came. There are very very safe and secure places like Dubai and Abu Dhabi in The United Arab Emirates. It's such an oasis of beauty and safety. This is where I like to spend a lot of my time.
When the global economy comes tumbling down, people will be frantic about the uncertainties of life. The solution is to rebuild a smarter world from scratch. A smarter global framework with smarter local, national, and global policies for the people and by the people. We have lost many of our civil and God Given Liberties in the process of being "enslaved" over the years. This is very serious and we need to be aware of everything and all action taking place around us. It is mandatory that we center ourselves and revert back to the "God-Like and Child-Like Essence and Innocence" that embodies our hearts and minds in our youth. This is when we are most pure. WE have yet to be scorned and have not yet faced the harsh realities of life. Many of us have ignored this calling. Right now, what we need more than anything is "Purity of Heart."
God asks us to take the time to be quiet and re-center ourselves by looking deep within and delving back into our "God-Like Essence." This will bring back our child-like mentalities which are built on dreams and desires to do incredible things with our lives. We have such incredible power and there is no reason why we should do anything but direct our personal power towards excellence and total manifestation of our greatest dreams.
This world is nothing without a flourishing humanity that supports dreaming, innovation, and positive flow between our social hierarchies. We are never going to have a completely equal and totally fair world, but we can do our part to put a stop to the global strife. Right now, I do not feel this world is flourishing, except in the upper 1% of the global population.
Yet, with this being said, it is important to note there are so many incredible visions and offerings being made. There are incredible organizations and foundations doing amazing work. I am in awe and inspired by the great work that is all around us. I try to focus on the beauty around us. But right now, I am explaining what has brought us here and how we emerge stronger and better than ever!!
It is time for all of us to step up our level of social service to our fellow man. Each of us must find out how we can become more involved in your community on a social and civil service level. For without donating a portion of our time and service to humanity, we are nothing.
We are only as good as the collective whole and total consciousness of our human species. When we do good for one another, Love spreads and the dissonance turns into positive vibrations effecting our soul, plus the hearts, spirits, and minds around us. Let your Light Shine.
Another vital element that be taken care of during and after the looming collapse is strengthening our global education paradigm, for without education, we have nothing and we are nothing. Despite what you think, our youth are less prepared over all for the current standards needed to run this world.
Part of strengthening the education paradigm is increasing those elements that makes education wonderful and fun and successful. It is evident from the global dropout numbers, that education is not preparing or stimulating our youth in the proper ways. We can see that children would much rather play video games than read books. Thus, we must up the standards of edutainment programming that is actively and positively impacting young minds around the world. There are major problems when society or species does not provide its young with the proper tools for survival and success and greater knowledge capacity.
There is an even bigger problem when youth rejects education and the tools provided for survival and success. By choosing more modern modes of entertainment and social activity, we see that education must be updated for the 21st going on 22nd Century. The upper 1% will always be educated and taken care of. But we are talking about the middle 75% who are not achieving, instead they are faltering.
There must be a balance, thus implementation of Edutainment is the key to our future success and manifestation of our total excellence.
There will always be the "Diamond in the Rough" that shines bright and comes out ahead from poverty and disadvantaged areas around the world. But these examples are far and few between. One reason our education paradigm is so incredibly faltered is because we are providing our youth with tools that are not applicable for the real world needs.
To Educate means to "enlighten and to raise up by means of mentoring and teaching important information that provides access, stability, and allows manifestation of the fruits of thy labor."
It is totally and completely evident that our youth are disengaged and we are wary of their futures and The World's Future. Thus, we need some real strong leadership with a plan for a 10 year and a 20 year positive direction plan that is best for all of us. This leadership must not be afraid to walk the walk and talk the talk on a global level. They must be able to communicate with the Richest man in Hollywood and the poorest person in Delhi. They must implement fun, exciting,and enriching programming to bring about The Dawn of A New Civilization. Our standards across the board must raise. We have gotten lax and we can no longer just sit back and chill. Our complacency has gotten us in trouble. We must not allow this prison planet to continue. This is ridiculous. Let's prepare a our youth moving forward so we can elevate the collective consciousness. We need to create curriculum and an education paradigm that is fearlessly enlightening, entertaining, and inspiring. Let's make our world even better and more beautiful than we can imagine.
Thus, we need a total and complete overhaul of the education system. In the current state of affairs, except in some circumstances, education as we know it is not getting the job done and will never get the job done. Thus, we will very soon make some very serious changes and substitutions, just like a manager pulling out his reliever to go with the game winning closer.
If education were fun, exciting, rewarding, and positive, more youth would attend and drop-out rates would not be at an all time high. Its time to make learning even more fun for the 21st Century!!
The education, arts, and entertainment platform I present is one answer of many. I feel with its Not For Profit and For Profit Balance, and its "total and complete dedication to humanity" focus, it is ideal.
(1) GOLF-->Besides Education and The Arts, Golf is our most important and most powerful global economic and social mobility tool. Golf is also a multi-trillion dollar per year global economic stimulation platform. It is vital that we prepare our youth for the future with the tools and resources they need to survive. Golf is one of these tools. In the 21st Century, it is golf that has become one of the most important platforms for success. Thus, we must implement a global framework of golf programming as mandatory elementary and high school curriculum in at least 95% of schools around the world by 2020. By doing so, we will strengthen the future economy, the future work force, and the future development of humanity.
(2) ARTS-->Besides Education and Golf, The Arts are our most powerful and cerebral enriching opportunity that we can engage in. Personal development of the creative and visual arts is vital because it stimulates our brains, unlocking uncharted territories and opportunities for growth and creation for the the advancement and betterment of mankind. Plus, the arts on all levels provides us with relaxing period of enlightenment and creativity. Without The Arts, we can not develop as human beings, nor comment on humanity's current condition. The Arts, since the beginning of time, are the barometer judging the health and vibration of our global community. Currently, we are on the upswing.
(3) SOCIAL SERVICE-->What is life without giving back to our fellow brothers and sisters. Even better, what is life without giving back to youngsters who yearn for guidance, teachers, mentors, and friends? Sharing but a limited amount of your human greatness with your fellow human beings is vital because you should and because you know its the right to do. Plus, when you give of yourself, your Golf like qualities and child like qualities shine through. Your compassion, heart, and excellence are the essence of your soul. If we were all contributing social service hours to our communities, our world would be in much better shape. What if all the school children of the world and all the suits on Wall Street were mandated to give back 1 day or 10 hours of service per month. Do you know how beautiful this world would become. This must be a new standard implemented along with the others that will help elevate and accelerate our human conscious development.
(4) SOCIAL ENTREPRENEURSHIP-->Creating, innovating, and inventing are vital roles for humanity to engage in. Some people are more natural at it than others. However, starting right now and moving forward, it is mandatory that all children, starting at a young age are prepared to be thinking like creators, innovators, and engineers. This will better prepare youth around the world for their future responsibilities. The most important thing we can remember when building businesses is that we must implement A Triple Bottom Line Standard-->PEOPLE PLANET PROFIT. No longer is building a business alone ok. Now, in The 21st Century, we must put in certain checks and balances to make sure that our ecological impact, social impact, and our local, national, and global impact are in check. The businesses we create from this point forward have to be low impact, ecologically friendly, and giving back in a positive manner to Humanity at all times. No longer can business be about plundering and hoarding. We must create a natural balance with the universe. This is mandatory. Children in Grade School and High School must be taught about the new approaches so they can start developing their minds at a younger age around ingenuity, ecological sanctity, and total creativity. Children are bored of the monotony and the traditional curriculum. Children want to be prepared and want to excel at a younger age and learn more faster. We are in an age of rapid information disbursement and youth of all ages are better suited for this accelerated learning curve. We are severally hindering the development of humanity with our lack of concern and disengagement to what their needs are. WE are not fulfilling our duty to our youth. WE must now begin creating curriculum that they choose and they organize around their interest levels. New charter schools testing these intensive self directed programming and social entrepreneurial paradigms are coming to fruition and will continue appearing so that we can eventually make a global change to our new, advanced educational programming.
As humans, we are conditioned to believe what is infront of us and rarely do we delve deep, I mean really deep into the back story. The questions we ask are superficial and from a yes and no, right versus wrong perspective. The level of investigation we teach our youth to undergo finding out the truth is faltering and the results are evident. We must teach a stronger and wiser knowledge based epistemology. No longer can we ask the same questions we have been asking. To find out the truth, we will have to ask the right questions at the right time.
The right question to ask right now.....WHAT WILL GET US OUT OF THIS MESS??
I have provided you four (4) answers today.
I will leave you with this thought......
What if a walk in the park, breathing the fresh, clean air, enjoying the wind in our hair, and the animals that bound around in the woods, was our greatest God given gift?
What if a global system was put in place that allowed plenty of jobs and plenty of pay all structured around Mother Nature and The God Given Sport of Golf?
What if Fun and Exciting Golf was actually The Answer to this whole mess I discussed in the article?
And you know what, it partially is.
Follow me to find out Some of Our Answers To The Future. For Intergalactic is The Creator of The Future.
Monday, February 13, 2012
Despite the social distortion, the global economic collapse, and the sanctity of mankind's civil liberties being challenged like never before, we will survive these trying times and become stronger because of it. And to think, Golf, The Sport of Kings, is actually about to rise to the top and be a global solution to bringing about balance and equality to humanity's future. Golf is about to enter the picture as the guiding light and THE GLOBAL EQUALIZER.
No longer will the Dark Side Perpetuate its foolish behavior. Times are changing and a new era is approaching. We will question why all of this is happening and why we must feel like puppets in this process. It's sad that the global infrastructure is so flawed and instead of providing abundance for the masses, a select few have been chosen. Greater distribution of goods must be provided and the pillaging that has predominated must come to an end. I imagine world peace and world love. I am not an idealist, I am a realist who believes that each and everyone of us has positive spirit and greatness inside that we must listen to, work with, and share. I believe peace and prosperity is real and we can attain our greatest good.
Man's competitiveness, jealousy, envy, and greed, set the stage for deception and the stripping of our liberties. Our heaven on earth has turned into a planet of pain. Let us revert back to a blissful state because we can and it is our birthright. Our very disgruntled and dysfunctional prison type planet has lasted long enough. Stand up with me and voice your concerns. The good majority of us work too hard to just barely get by. The sinister global military industrial complex is a mechanism built on greed, fossil fuels, and the manual labor of men, women, and children. No longer will they use the fruits of my labor to grease their gears. Gloom and doom predominates the media, thus inflicting scorn, distrust, and anger in all of us at one time or another. The feelings and energies that run rampant should never exist. Why has all of this come about? Who has let this get so far out of control?
But please remember, what doesn't kill us, always makes us stronger. Through the global disorder we are experiencing, we will achieve greater order and positive opportunity in the future. The Light WILL ALWAYS Prevail Over The Dark. I will see to that. I am here to inform and educate as well as Spread The Light. We are welcoming a new era of excellence and opportunity. My name is Luke and I am here to share the light and new insight with you. Please prepare To See The Light, for I am The Carrier of Light. I have been preparing all of this for you for more than 10 years. Now is the time for The Light to Surface.
One of the greatest concerns amongst humanity right now is the collapse of our financial system. It is very clear, The Global Ponzi Scheme that was established hundreds of years ago is now falling apart. Greece is one of our first countries witnessing large scale outbreaks of looting and resource scarcity. A Twenty percent unemployment rate is on the rise and the walls are crashing down. The powers that be have timed this collapse perfectly, thus making it look like the whole Mayan End of The World Phenomena is actually happening. WoW!!!
Please don't fear. The world is not coming to an end, but it is rebuilding itself in order to be stronger and better for us in the future. Some economic and social structures that have been put in place years ago are crumbling because they can no longer withstand the changing times and the new global consciousness that is rising. THIS TIME IN HUMAN's HISTORY is THE CHANGING of THE GUARD. The renewal of our human consciousness is evident as large groups of people are finally embracing their total and complete excellence. Humanity as a whole is becoming more enlightened, more inspired, and more educated on how to tap into their fullest possible potential. We are becoming more intelligent and aware of our greatest good and total calling. We are no longer the "Sheep" they wished we would be. They understand we are wising up to their ways and they are very scared about our knowledge of how "The System" works. No longer do we fit inside of their box. We have created a new sphere of 21st Century consciousness that will help all of us better understand our "God Like Capabilities."
This time of dishevelment is a time for us to become more aware of our total greatness and potential. For it is when we are up against the wall that we are able to really show ourselves and those around us what we are made of. But now, all of humanity is up against a wall and it is like a large scale Tsunami is rushing towards us. If we freeze like deer in headlights we will be swallowed up, thus, its time to build our boats and prepare the future structures and mechanisms that will best prepare us and save us from the strife and struggle we are currently feeling. We must put into place systems that are best suited for creating prosperity, order, and maintaining a steady flow of opportunity creation. If you do not stand up and become extremely strong, you will not survive this time of change. Survival of The Fittest has been implemented.
As you know, throughout history and the development of all species, there have been global catastrophes and large scale impacts that wipe out those who are not best prepared. We have all been given what we need to survive this very challenging time. But it will take digging deep within to uncover our greatest potential.
Being created in the image and likeness of God is a powerful opportunity for all of us. We are not the "Original Creator," but we all have Him inside of us and this means we are responsible for creating our own realities. Thus, we are the creators of our own human experience. How will we overcome the challenging predicaments we find ourselves in now?
One of the realities that has been created for us and that is now coming to an end is the current global economic structure. We will indeed have to stay very calm when the economic collapse occurs. We have not yet seen the worst. This collapse is imminent and on its way. In the very near future, the trouble Greece is facing will spread. How far and how serious this will be, no one knows. WE all know we have felt the effects and it is clear, we are not out of the quagmire. We are seeing the dissonance in parts of The Middle East. This makes me sick because The Middle East is so beautiful and the people are so lovely. They have been given a bad rap and I am in pain because of the lies I see told every day. I pray for my friends in the region. Just as the calmness presented itself, it was gone as quick as it came.
When the global economy comes tumbling down, people will be frantic about the uncertainties of life. The solution is to rebuild a smarter world from scratch. A smarter global framework with smarter local, national, and global policies for the people and by the people. We have lost many of our civil and God Given Liberties in the process of being "enslaved" over the years. This is very serious. Thus, it is mandatory that we center ourselves and revert back to the "God-Like and Child-Like Essence and Innocence" that embodies our hearts and minds in our youth. This is when we are most pure. WE have yet to be scorned and have not yet faced the harsh realities of life. Most of us have ignored this calling and right now what we need more than anything is "Purity of Heart."
Sometime along the road, we loose our ability to dream and we are forced to take on harsh realities that we have actually created for ourselves because the pain, rejection, loss, scarcity, disappointment, and grief all becomes too much to bare.
God asks us to take the time to be quiet and re-center ourselves by looking deep within and delving back into our "God-Like Essence." This will bring back our child-like mentalities which are built on dreams and desires to do incredible things with our lives. We have such incredible power and there is no reason why directing this power towards excellence and total manifestation can not be easier and more beneficial for all of us.
This world is nothing without a flourishing humanity that supports dreaming, innovation, and positive flow between the social hierarchies of mankind. We are never going to have a completely equal and totally fair world, but we can do our part to put a stop to the raging discord. Right now, I do not feel this world is flourishing, except in the upper 1% of the global population.
Yet, with this being said, it is important to note there are so many incredible visions and offerings being made. There are incredible organizations and foundations doing amazing work. I am in awe and inspired by the great work that is all around us. I am sure you realize this too. Thus, it is time for all of us to step up our level of social service to our fellow man and find out how you can become involved on a social and civil service level. For without donating a portion of our time and service to humanity, we are nothing. We are only as good as the collective whole and total consciousness of our human species. When we do good for one another, Love spreads and the dissonance turns into positive vibrations effecting our soul, the hearts, spirits, and minds around us. Let your Light Shine.
One of the first things that must be done during and after the looming collapse is strengthening our global education paradigm, for without education, we have nothing and we are nothing. Despite what you think, our youth are less prepared over all for the current standards needed to run this world.
Part of strengthening the education paradigm is increasing those elements that makes education wonderful and fun. It is evident from the global dropout numbers, that education is not preparing or stimulating our youth in the proper ways. There are major problems when society or species does not provide its young with the proper tools for survival and success.
There is an even bigger problem when youth rejects education and the tools provided for survival and success, instead choosing more modern modes of entertainment and social activity. The upper 1% will always be educated and taken care of. But we are talking about the middle 75% who are not achieving, instead they are faltering.
There must be a balance, thus implementation of Edutainment is the key to our future success and manifestation of our total excellence.
There will always be the "Diamond in the Rough" that shines bright and comes out ahead from poverty and disadvantaged areas around the world. But these examples are far and few between. One reason our education paradigm is so incredibly faltered is because we are providing our youth with tools that are not applicable for the real world, 21st Century needs.
To Educate means to "enlighten and to raise up by means of mentoring and teaching important information that provides access, stability, and allows manifestation of the fruits of thy labor."
It is totally and completely evident that our youth are disengaged and we are wary of their futures and The World's Future. Thus, we need some real strong leadership with a positive direction. This leadership must not be afraid to walk the walk and talk the talk on a global level. They must be able to communicate with the Richest man in Hollywood and the poorest person in Delhi. They must implement fun, exciting,and enriching programming to bring about The dawn of a new Civilization so that our youth moving forward will elevate the collective consciousness. We need to create curriculum and an education paradigm that is fearlessly enlightening, entertaining, and inspiring.
Thus, we need a total and complete overhaul of the education system. In the current state, it is not getting the job done and will never get the job done. Thus, we will very soon make some very serious changes and substitutions, just like a manager pulling out his reliever to go with the game winning closer. Its time to implement a Golf, Arts, Social Service, and Social Entrepreneurship Platform as a form of mandatory curriculum. Golf, Arts, Social Service, and Social Entrepreneurship You Ask? If education were fun, exciting, rewarding, and positive, more youth would attend and drop-out rates would not be at an all time high. Its time to make learning even more fun for the 21st Century!!
(1) GOLF-->Besides Education and The Arts, Golf is our most important and most powerful global economic and social mobility tool. Golf is also a multi trillion dollar per year global economic stimulation platform. It is vital that we prepare our youth for the future with the tools and resources they need to survive. Golf is one of these tools. In the 21st Century, it is golf that has become one of the most important platforms for success. Thus, we must implement a global framework of golf programming as mandatory elementary and high school curriculum in at least 95% of schools around the world by 2020. By doing so, we will strengthen the future economy, the future work force, and the future development of humanity.
(2) ARTS-->Besides Education and Golf, The Arts are our most powerful and cerebral enriching opportunity that we can engage in. Personal development of the creative and visual arts is vital because it stimulates our brains, unlocking uncharted territories and opportunities for growth and creation for the the advancement and betterment of mankind. Plus, the arts on all levels provides us with relaxing period of enlightenment and creativity. Without The Arts, we can not develop as human beings, nor comment on humanity's current condition. The Arts, since the beginning of time, are the barometer judging the health and vibration of our global community. Currently, we are on the upswing.
(3) SOCIAL SERVICE-->What is life without giving back to our fellow brothers and sisters. Even better, what is life without giving back to youngsters who yearn for guidance, teachers, mentors, and friends? Sharing but a limited amount of your human greatness with your fellow human beings is vital because you should and because you know its the right to do. Plus, when you give of yourself, your Golf like qualities and child like qualities shine through. Your compassion, heart, and excellence are the essence of your soul. If we were all contributing social service hours to our communities, our world would be in much better shape. What if all the school children of the world and all the suits on Wall Street were mandated to give back 1 day or 10 hours of service per month. Do you know how beautiful this world would become. This must be a new standard implemented along with the others that will help elevate and accelerate our human conscious development.
(4) SOCIAL ENTREPRENEURSHIP-->Creating, innovating, and inventing are vital roles for humanity to engage in. Some people are more natural at it than others. However, starting right now and moving forward, it is mandatory that all children, starting at a young age are prepared to be thinking like creators, innovators, and engineers. This will better prepare youth around the world for their future responsibilities. The most important thing we can remember when building businesses is that we must implement A Triple Bottom Line Standard-->PEOPLE PLANET PROFIT. No longer is building a business alone ok. Now, in The 21st Century, we must put in certain checks and balances to make sure that our ecological impact, social impact, and our local, national, and global impact are in check. The businesses we create from this point forward have to be low impact, ecologically friendly, and giving back in a positive manner to Humanity at all times. No longer can business be about plundering and hoarding. We must create a natural balance with the universe. This is mandatory. Children in Grade School and High School must be taught about the new approaches so they can start developing their minds at a younger age around ingenuity, ecological sanctity, and total creativity. Children are bored of the monotony and the traditional curriculum. Children want to be prepared and want to excel at a younger age and learn more faster. We are in an age of rapid information disbursement and youth of all ages are better suited for this accelerated learning curve. We are severally hindering the development of humanity with our lack of concern and disengagement to what their needs are. WE are not fulfilling our duty to our youth. WE must now begin creating curriculum that they choose and they organize around their interest levels. New charter schools testing these intensive self directed programming and social entrepreneurial paradigms are coming to fruition and will continue appearing so that we can eventually make a global change to our new, advanced educational programming.
As humans, we are conditioned to believe what is infront of us and rarely do we delve deep, I mean really deep into the back story and origins. The questions we ask are superficial and from a yes and no, right versus wrong perspective. The level of investigation we teach our youth to undergo in finding out the truth is faltering and the results are evident. We must teach a stronger and wiser knowledge based epistemology. No longer can we ask the same questions we have been asking. To find out the truer and more important answers, we will have to ask the right questions at the right time.
The right question to ask right now.....WHAT WILL GET US OUT OF THIS MESS??
I have provided you four (4) answers today.
I will leave you with this thought......
What if a walk in the park, breathing the fresh, clean air, enjoying the wind in our hair, and the animals that bound around in the woods, was our greatest God given gift?
What if a global system was put in place that allowed plenty of jobs and plenty of pay all structured around Mother Nature and The God Given Sport of Golf?
What if Golf was actually The Answer to this whole mess I discussed in the article?
And you know what, it is.
Follow me to find out Some of Our Answers To The Future. For Intergalactic is The Creator of The Future.
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