Last weekend when Sloan and I went down to San Diego, we had a blast!! We were livin it up and loving the beautiful views as we drove the down Highway 5 from Los Angeles in our white chariot. I took my 4 conferences calls along the way as we cruised at 90 mph all the way. Such speeds weren't out of the question for the traffic was light and the highways are fast and long.
San Diego's beauty stretches as far as the eye can see. Down The Pacific Coastline, deep into Mexico where the sun is always red and orange when it kisses the sea.
So we blasted past Carlsbad, past La Jolla and Old Towne, down to Chula Vista and the neighboring mountain range. Sloan wanted a tour, so I showed her what it was like down there.
I had lived once before in San Diego when I was 24 and just left caddying on Tour. San Diego had always been a favorite stop of mine when ever I was driving the coast or looking for a cool place to fly into for a hot weekend date. The ladies in San Diego are excellent and so very fine! I had a blast there when I was younger. And every time I come back, it gets better and better.
The tall, tall palm trees tower over the wide streets below where the ladies walk the streets wearing bikinis and are super fly. The dudes surf and play golf so what's not to like about these super chill friends from SoCal.
There is something about San Diego. Parts of San Diego are super chill and other parts are much faster than I ever thought. For instance, in La Jolla, there were more Lamborghini's, Phantoms, and Porsche's than I had ever seen before. What a trip this was. I couldn't believe it. I felt like I was in Italy with all the sport car engines revving up for a race
Upon our return from Chula Vista, we dropped over to Coronado Island. There we could see the sky rises of downtown and the cruise boats and Navy Ships docked at bay.Don't we all wander what its like to go out to sea and fly planes off ships? And how do Navy Seals really do what they do?
Anyone would feel super cool cruisin' these streets. Its undeniable. San Diego provided excellent times and very fond memories of all the great rock shows I saw. Like the time when Pearl Jam played near Sea World or when The Black Eyed Peas played Street Scene.
And it was only getting better.
San Diego's downtown is full of tall buildings lining the streets one after another. There are many hotels for all the convention goers and plenty of good times to be had in one of the many hotels or the bars in The Gas Lamp District which is full of cool clubs and bars located both under the ground and in the sky. San Diego is wild and looks and feels like one giant park. Its a place to party and live high for life doesn't get any better than this.
After the city tour, we drove over to The Hard Rock, a beautiful new hotel with a roof top bar perfectly situated next to PetCo Park where The Padres play. All the Parking Garages were full on this night because The Padres were playing The Pittsburgh Pirates. This was a problem and I am sure they had no idea they could run out of parking. It seemed like everyone in town was downtown tonight. The streets were packed and people were pouring out of the clubs.
It was awesome to see a downtown so alive.
Wow, The Hard Rock Hotel was the place to party. I loved this spot and it was really busy from the time Sloan and I walked in the from doors. Armed security guards watched our backs so we felt totally safe.
First we ate dinner at Nobu with our friends Ben and Kristal Morris of Kristal Marketing. Our dinner was delicious and so were the special drinks our waiter kept bringing us. Our eight course meal was unlike anything I had ever experienced. It was perhaps the finest meal I had ever had. I am sure it was. The Candied Cod and the incredible tray of sushi was too good to be true. Fresh and Delicious!
And after an amazing meal, we all went next door and listened to some wicked DJ rockin' the night away. The club was packed and people were having such an amazing time. This was great to see!!
When Sloan and I walked through, we were wondering what it was like on the other nights we weren't there. I assumed this was the place to go in SD. People were having a blast and it was very evident from the way the girls were dancing on the tables.
But there are just so many hours of table dancing you can witness before its time to go home. So Sloan and I drove back to La Jolla to stay with our good friends, Mark and Brooke McDonald. Their beach side mansion is exquisite and they are so very kind to always give us a place to stay when we are around. A place far far from the norm. It was paradise and we were really loving it.