These are the kinds of fields that are best for what I like to do.
Its been a very long time since I have entered a post and I apologize.
I have no excuses except I have not been concentrating on anything but travel and writing letters.
Its heavy duty and sometime hard to squeeze everything into a day.
I appreciate those people following our progress as we travel across the world to find those professionals who believe in making the most of golf!
Danny Wu called me last night.
This Blog started with a suggestion from Danny Wu on the first day I arrived in LA back in March 2008.
What a most excellent day indeed!!
Sloan and I drove in from San Francisco in our Uhaul.
Furzy The Cat was with us, meowing like crazy.
We found The Hollwood Inn Motel, slept for a couple hours, and then I met Danny Wu at Rancho Park Golf Course.
It was my first day as an LA resident and couldnt have started any better.
Danny has seen the projects progress over the past year and has been a huge support.
HE and his wife had a brand new baby girl on Jan 1, 2009.
This will be the best year ever I am most certain!!
Congrats to them!!
Well, my dream and vision is becoming real with help from the most amazing, most talented people in the world.
We are creating programming that will help redefine, redevelop, rebrand golf for a yonger, more hip, much more cool demographic. We are putting the Party in Golf and making sure smiles and good times are right around the corner.
So please stay tuned as we develop and implement this most amazing project with your help.
All the best and continued success.