I hope this finds you fantastic.
Today, I will speak briefly about the relationship Bill and Melinda Gates share with Warren Buffett.
I can go to Google and find thousands of pictures and articles about all these individuals.
Together, these two families have made a tremendous amount of charitable contributions to people all over the world.
They know how to use their money wisely and have set up organizations so they can effectively donate to the finest NGO's and organizations in need around the world.
It is amazing to see how generous Warren Buffett has been.
I am certain The Gates will put the donation to great use.
I think this relationship between Bill Gates and Warren Buffett is fascinating for both gentleman are business and creative geniuses watched over and scrutinized for his moves on a daily basis.
Gates leaped past the competition creating the dominate force in computer systems.
He set the standard and now all the rest have been nearly left in the dust.
Warren Buffett watches on and pats his pupil on the back. Bill has made Warren extremely rich and I am glad to se how the two of them continue to work together.
I am interested to see what the two of them do with the financial crisis we are currently experiencing.
Buffett has come out to speak several times about the turmoil.
Both continue to get rich, so there is really no worry here.
Though I am certain the general public would love to know if Buffett or Gates have any suggestions for whats next.
When asked what they were going to do next, both responded stating they would go to Dubai and playing a round of golf together in the near future to talk about it all.